Saturday, June 29, 2013

My street.

Assalamualaikum wth :)

puh puh . berhabuk dan bersawang blog ceq . hm , what to do? Idk . I have no idea . hm . nak cakap pasal apa eh ? hm . don't know . hm . actually banyak cerita yg nak kongsi kat sini , tapi , setelah fikir-fikir balik , rasa macam tak patut cerita kat sini . hm . what's wrong with me haa? D':

oh okay . lately , i'm little bit busy . jadual kuliah yang sangat pack . but , it's not a big problem for me . anyway , seriouly , this sem Iffah rasa macam berat sangat . hm . sampai pernah Iffah terfikir nak 'berhenti' . hm . but hey , one semester just for three month okay . pejam celik dah tamat sem 3  ni . hope that this semester will be nice to me . hope so . Aminn . Wassalam :')